Tricks To Teach Children To Manage Finances From an Early Age

Tricks To Teach Children To Manage Finances From an Early Age
Parents are the first source of learning on, basically, anything from religion, science, norms and manners and many other things including finance. It is the responsibility of parents to not only introduce their children to money, but also how to manage the money they spend, where their money comes from and of course how to save the money they have. This needs to be taught to children carefully, and parents should also provide an example of proper money management to their children so that their little one really understands the importance of managing finances properly and correctly.
Why is it necessary to teach children to manage money properly as early as possible? The main goal is to get children used to controlling expenses. This can be done by getting your children used to saving money or setting aside their pocket money to get something they want most. This also teaches children to try and be responsible for what they want and also to prioritize buying things that are more useful or most needed.
Apart from setting aside pocket money to buy what children need, here are other tricks and tips for teaching children to smartly manage their finances:
- Teach children where money comes from
Teach children that money is earned by hard work. Emphasize to children that when the family buys necessities or goes out for a walk, it is not obtained for free but through hard work. We can also tell children about various jobs to make money.
- Teach children the difference between needs and wants
Parents can ask the child what has been purchased today and then choose whether what was purchased that day is a need or a want. Parents can have conversations like this before going to bed or while relaxing with children. Make sure to be gentle with your language and words so they are easy for children to understand.
- Get used to our baby to set aside his pocket money to save
Teaching the importance of saving to your little one from an early age is very important so that children can respect and manage their money properly. As a start, Mom and Dad can give money specifically for savings. Give rewards to children if they succeed in saving so that the child's motivation to save money becomes greater. To make children aware of the importance of saving, you and your little one can both buy items that children want from the accumulated savings so they can experience the benefits of saving even more.
- Teach and give an example to children how to make an expenses plan
For starters, parents can teach the child about your shopping plan for today -if you want to go to the shopping center-, with a simple plan that is not burdening the child or appearing stingy.
- Invite children to do charity
One good way to teach children to manage finances well is to do charity. That money is not only used for oneself but also to help others. By doing charity, children will see different conditions in everyone, that way they will become more grateful and learn to manage money so they don't become mere consumptive.
Those are great tips and tricks so that children can better appreciate the money they have or that their parents have and how to manage it properly and correctly. Hopefully it can make our sons and daughters smart and financially responsible from a young age and even more in the future.
Mezia Dewi Pratiwi, S.Pd from BehaviorPals, Jakarta
Children, Finances
Children 4 Years - 6 Years / 4 Tahun - 6 Tahun / Financial Management / Manajemen Keuangan / Family / Keluarga / Tricks To Teach Children To Manage Finances From an Early Age