Preparing learning at home for special education, what should be done?

The emergence of the corona virus (Covid19) has made many changes in various sectors. Starting from the industrial sector, health to the education sector. This change requires all of us to adapt. One of the adaptations made in the world of education is online classes. Special education must also hold online classes as one of the current adaptations. However, as we all know that special education classes cannot be run like regular classes. In special education, the teacher will design a study plan based on the IEP (Individualized Program Education). One of the big challenges for teachers is determining whether programs that are usually carried out in schools such as behavior therapy and gross motor training can also be done at home (home base) or online.
It is not impossible to continue to hold online learning for special education. There are many things that need to be considered and prepared before implementing distance education, namely :
Preparing Home Based
In home based, there needs to be a role and cooperation between teachers, parents or caregivers. So therefore. The first thing to check and ask is the availability of parents and caregivers in this learning process. This is considering that students with special needs rely heavily on coaching and special instructions such as cues, prompts or sensory activities that keep them on task.
Check the condition of the house
The teacher can contact the family first to provide understanding to the teacher and the family. Teachers can also check the following:
1. Will the parents be at home all day?
2. Will parents work when at home?
3. Is internet available?
4. What electronic equipment will students use?
5. Is there a space in the house that can be used for gross motor or sensory activities?
It is strongly recommended that special education teachers make an effort to establish an appropriate learning environment and goals for students and their families before making detailed lists of daily tasks and activities.
Engage proactively (but remain flexible)
Parents are also likely to need ongoing guidance and direction from educators. Teachers can check regularly with families by phone, video conference, or email to make sure they feel supported. Language is also considered and adjusted so that good communication can occur. Another thing that can be done is to create a class group on Google Classroom and other social media.
The practice of home based and online class learning
In the practice of learning, there are many things that need to be considered and done in order to achieve the desired goals. Here are things that can be done in the learning process:
Make a list of daily activities that are broken into small parts with lots of breaks, if possible follow the same order as the schedule that students have at school.
Because many students with special needs respond well to visual cues, schedule boards (written or digital) with activity pictures encourage students to know what and when activities are being done. We can even use the kitchen timer, which reminds students of the school bell schedule.
Parents may be able to try learning activities that take place in different rooms of the house. This is because students are used to changing locations in schools depending on what they are studying.
Prepare materials for parents and caregivers.
Besides teachers making instructional videos (or written directions) for students, special education teachers also suggest making them for parents to teach them how to organize and support their children in various activities. Teachers can also think of ways parents can use objects at home to teach skills, such as toothpicks, or money, that can be used to learn a mathematical system
It doesn't have to be exactly the same as in school.
No parent is perfect so that they can make learning practices like teachers and schools. This is due to the many factors of limited time, resources, and school limitations. Therefore, don't feel pressured because it's okay if it's not optimal, such as replacing school. It's also okay if you can't plan every activity. The most important thing is that parents or caregivers have tried their best and are willing to work with the teacher.
Meets sensory and movement needs: Modify programs and Use simple objects at home.
The teacher can also adjust the IEP to the situation at home. Then the teacher can modify or add anything that can support the child's sensory activities and movements at home. Then to support this activity, parents can use simple objects which is at home. For example, playdough and bubble wrap or games that children have at home. Can use rice and beans placed in the bag instead of the vest to provide a sense of security. Meanwhile, writing and drawing activities can use shaving cream which can reduce tension while increasing children's language development. Even giving a hug and letting the child run outside can help the child in the learning process.
Those are some of the things that need to be prepared in the distance learning process for special education classes. By knowing this, it is hoped that parents and teachers can carry out distance learning optimally.
By Salsabilatuzzahra Jaha from BehaviorPALS center
Source :
Fleming, N. (2020). New Strategies in Special Education as Kids Learn From Home. Edutopia, The George Lucas Education Foundation, March, 27.
special education, home based, online
Special Needs / Berkebutuhan Khusus / Cognitive Development / Tumbuh Kembang Kognitif / Education / Pendidikan / Preparing learning at home for special education, what should be done?