Physical Developmental Delay

Physical development is the most visible development of a child. If any physical development appears late, it could be a symptom of another health condition. Delays in physical development when the child does not do activities that other children his age do; such as: sitting unaided, walking, or rolling over. It should be noted that every child grows and develops differently and one child cannot always be compared to the development of another child. If you have concerns about your child's growth or development, consult your doctor.
The following is a general guide that can be used to assess gross motor skills in your child for ages 0 to 5 years.
0-5 months
- Turns head to both sides while on back
- Lifts head and able to turn to both sides while on his stomach
- Kicking both legs and moving both arms equally while on his back
- Performs tummy time on floor
- Raises head in line with trunk when pulled to sit
- Rolling from belly to back
- Rolling from back to belly
- Brings feet to mouth laying on back
6-12 months
- Sit alone
- Grabs a toy to play while sitting
- Balances himself when it loses balance in sitting
- Crawling with the stomach
- Crawling on hands and knees
- Pulls up to a standing position with one foot in front
- Walking with two hands while holding on
- Walk with one hand held
- Stand alone for a few seconds
13-18 months
- Crawling up the stairs
- Stand up from the floor without support
- Walk alone well
- Squat and stand back up without holding on to support
- Walking up the stairs holding onto the railing
- Crawling down stairs (with belly, feet first)
- Can run even though it's easy to fall
- Kick the ball forward
2 years
- Walks and runs pretty well
- Jump on the spot with both feet off the ground
- Walk up the stairs and go down by himself
- Kick the ball with both feet
3 years
- Balancing on one leg for a few seconds
- Jump forward 25-60 cm
- Catch the big ball
- Ride a tricycle
4 years
- Can run, climb well
- Jumping skillfully on one leg
- Can do hopscotch
- Catch the ball
- Starting to somersault
5 years
- Jumping with alternating legs (i.e., right, left, right, etc.) and jumping rope
- Start sliding and swimming
- Riding a bicycle with/without exercise wheels
- Climb
Note: this information serves as general information and does not serve as medical advice. Contact the relevant medical practitioner or practitioner if you have specifics about your family.
Tiara Putri, MS. BCA.
McBee, K., Craft, A., Leiby, R., & Steinberger, J. (n.d.). Gross Motor Skills: Birth to 5 years. Gross motor skills: birth to 5 years | Richmond Children's Hospital at VCU. Accessed May 8, 2022, from
delay, developmental delay, physical milestones
Children 4 Years - 6 Years / 4 Tahun - 6 Tahun / Physical Development / Tumbuh Kembang Fisik / Health / Kesehatan / Physical Developmental Delay