Parents, Let's Minimize the Use of Gadget When Playing With Children

Parents, Let's Minimize the Use of Gadget When Playing With Children
Busyness with work sometimes makes us parents lose a lot of time playing with our children. Even when hanging out with children, it is undeniable that parents often use gadgets, even as simple as checking email or contacting co-workers. If we do this with children it is not physically dangerous, but it will pose a risk of decreasing the focus for the little one and the quality of the bond between parents and children.
According to research from Indiana University, parental behavior when playing with children will also affect children's behavior, including when fathers and mothers are busy holding gadgets when spending time with children. When playing with children and parents, staying busy with gadgets will cause our low involvement and loss of enthusiasm when playing with children. Even though it looks like we are taking care of the baby, our active and enthusiastic non-involvement in playing with children will cause a response to the child.
One of the responses and consequences that arise from parental behavior like this towards children is a decrease in the child's focus, and this can be a long-term result if we continue to apply low engagement every time you spend with your child. One of these things can be caused because the child becomes divided in his focus point between playing with what is around him and the parents as himperson who should be a "party" is actively involved in the game.
Impact of using gadgets when playing with the baby against Children's behavior is also described in Laura Birks' research from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Spain in the journal Environmental International. Laura conducted research on 83,884 mother-child pairs in Spain, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Korea. Laura found that children whose mothers spent a lot of time on their cell phones or were busy playing on their cell phones while caring for their children were at risk of behavioral and emotional disorders. In addition, Laura and her colleagues also found that children born to mothers who call more than four times a day have a 28 percent chance of growing up to be good children. hyperactive.
Regarding this and the possible impact it will have on the mental and psychological development of children, of course it is highly recommended for all of us to further minimize the time using gadgets when playing and caring for children. Because children will quickly absorb what they see. Apart from that, children will also learn how to build relationships with their parents, and this will have a negative impact on the emotional relationship between fathers and mothers with children if we continue to use gadgets when interacting with the baby. Therefore, don't just blame the child when it is difficult to advise even when we want to limit the use of gadgets to children later. So, fathers and mothers, for the sake of your little one's future, let's be serious when playing with children and not while using cell phones.
Mezia Dewi Pratiwi, S.Pd from the BehaviorPals Center, Jakarta
Gadget, playing, parents
Children 4 Years - 6 Years / 4 Tahun - 6 Tahun / Parenting / Pola Asuh / Family / Keluarga / Parents, Let's Minimize the Use of Gadget When Playing With Children