Daily Methods that can be used to Teach Character Education

The Importance of Character Education
Forming a good character is very important. As a parent, one of the roles and duties of parents is a place for character education. Character education is also important for the future of students. According to the findings of research conducted by Agboola and Tsai (2012) which states that the results brought by character education can make students become good leaders in the future. A good leader will bring a good life. In addition, good character is very much needed by children in living life in the future. To get this good character, there needs to be cooperation between the school and parents at home. You can't just rely on one side. Schools may have provided some tools for learning, but we as parents can apply the following ways to teach character to children in everyday situations at home.
Daily methods that can be applied to form good children's character.
1. Playing Method
World of children cannot be separated from the world of play. So as parents, we can teach some lessons while children play. Children will feel happy and they can express their imagination. We can teach children to:
- Teach cooperation and sharing. They can learn to share by lending their toys. Sharing toys will foster sympathy.
- Learn to communicate. When playing together, we can teach children to communicate using polite language.
- Games can teach children about rules and learn to obey them.
- Children will learn about the consequences when they break the game.
2. Storytelling Method
The storytelling method can be used to instill positive values in children. These values are honesty, humility, listening to parents' advice, tolerance and not being rude. You can do this by telling several stories of characters that can be used as examples of behavior, or you can use other light stories that contain lessons. The story given also needs to be given based on the age of the child. We can read stories before the child goes to sleep or when in other free conditions. By listening to these stories, it is hoped that children will apply these good behaviors in real life. In addition, this method can improve parent-child relationships.
3. Task Method
This method allows parents to assign several tasks to be fulfilled by their children. Through assignments, moral values can be given to both individual assignments and group assignments. Assignments must take into account the age of the child. Some of the moral values that can be instilled are
- Learning to be patient and responsible for their duties
- Obeying agreed rules
- Working together in groups and accepting each other, especially learning to accept the opinions of others.
4. Conversational Method
Conversation between children and parents has an important role in the development of children. Especially in the development of children's communication and language. Having conversations with children can also increase our bond with children. However, it should be noted that this conversation needs to be built in two directions, so it is not only parents who speak but children are also welcome to speak and express their opinions. Building conversations with children can also be a medium for developing knowledge, teaching rules, values and norms that apply to society and acceptable behavior in the social environment. Simple examples that we can teach are:
- Say hello
- Be polite by speaking well, ask for help, excuse me and thank you
- When speaking, we must look at other people with a polite look, meaning we respect the other people we are talking to.
The above methods can be applied in everyday life. In addition, parents can be creative in preparing games, assignments, and stories that can make children interested. Although it looks trivial, this simple thing will greatly impact a child's future.
by Salsabilatuzzahra Jaha S.Psi. from BeaviorPALS center
Haryono, SE, Muntomimah, S., & Eva, N. (2020). Planting Values through Character Education for Early Childhood. KnE Social Sciences, 97-108.
Agustini, NLPRE (2021). Character Education for Children in Indonesia. Journal of Educational Study, 1(1), 97-102.
Daily methods teach character education
Toddler 18 Months - 24 Months / 18 Bulan - 24 Bulan (Batita) / Social Development / Tumbuh Kembang Sosial / Education / Pendidikan / Daily Methods that can be used to Teach Character Education