Be a Great Father!

Becoming a father is one of the gifts given to God. This means that we will change our role from being young men to being a father who has responsibility for their children. The role of a father is very important for life throughout the life of his child. When we become a father, we will have a place to share sincere affection and affection. But in practice, it is not easy to live it. For those who have experience with having children, sometimes they are still confused, especially for those who have just had children. So in this article, we will discuss how to be a good father.
Responsible father!
It's true that we can't be 100% perfect dads. Especially considering that everyone's experience is different with different backgrounds. However, keep in mind that every child needs both parents. Maybe most fathers think that it is enough for fathers to fulfill the material needs of the family, but more than that, fathers must also be involved in raising their children. Fathers who spend time with their children increase the likelihood that their children will do well in school, have fewer behavior problems, and experience better self-esteem and well-being.
Remember that being a father is a job all the time. That's very important. Even after the children grew up and left the house, they would still seek advice from their father. Becoming a father lasts a lifetime. So it is very important to make sure that you are ready to take on the job.
Respect the Mother of children.
This is very important. Most fathers lack respect for their partners because they feel like they are the head of the family. Remember the key to parenting is the involvement of both parents. As fathers, we need to respect the mother of our children and vice versa. When children see their parents respect each other, they tend to feel that they are also accepted and respected.
Starting with you!
Before caring for children and others, start by taking care of yourself. This is not selfish, but how can you be ready to handle others when you are not good yourself? Remember we cannot take care of our children if we ourselves are sick.
Always take care of your physical and mental health. It can be by eating good food, getting enough sleep, exercising, and spending time with supportive friends. That is the first step in facing and enjoying being a father.
Most important: Communication!
The key in any relationship is communication. This also applies to the relationship between father and son. Be a father who can be a good listener to his child. And communicate whatever it is to the child in a good tone, not yelling. Some things that can be done include:
- Can be a place for listeners
Start talking to your children when they are very young. Dads can start building conversations with simple topics and listen to their ideas and problems.
- Gestures for “ready to listen”
make sure you are there to listen. Focus on the child when he is talking. Maintain eye contact. Show that you are listening by paraphrasing some of the child's statements. Don't cut him off. Avoid comparing children. Try to listen first before giving a solution.
Take Action!
No less important, communication must also be accompanied by good action. We can not only talk, but it is better to prove it by action. Some things that fathers can do include:
- Show affection
Children need a sense of security so that they know that they are wanted, accepted, and loved by their families. Showing affection every day is the best way to let your kids know that you love them.
- Be a role model
Without realizing it or not, a father is a role model. A father who has a daughter can be a role model for how a woman is respected. Then a father who has a son can be a model to live life with honesty and responsibility.
- Be a teacher
Just like a role model, the father is also a teacher who will teach about the value of right or wrong. Become a teacher of how we live life.
- Discipline with love
All children need guidance and discipline, not as punishment, but to set reasonable boundaries and help children learn from the consequences of an action. Fathers who discipline calmly, fairly, and non-violently show their love for their children.
Of course, no father is perfect. As human beings, we certainly have flaws. But by continuing to learn and correcting our mistakes we will become better fathers.
By Salsabilatuzzahra Jaha S.Psi from BehaviorPALS Center
Strengthening Families and Communities. Child Welfare.\
Fatherhood, Parenting
Children 4 Years - 6 Years / 4 Tahun - 6 Tahun / Parenting / Pola Asuh / Family / Keluarga / Be a Great Father!